月份: 2017 年 9 月
Cervical spinal cord & Thyroid mucinous lesion
Enlarged anechoic mucinous thyroid lesion provides a go...
Pes anserinus (goose foot, 鵝足肌腱)
Wikipedia: Pes anserinus (“goose foot”) ref...
Iliotibial band (ITB)
My practice for ITB scanning Running injuries (JAMA Pat...
Sepsis Management
Sepsis is an emergency, striking about 30 million peopl...
Sonography of abdominal pain in children: appendicitis & its common mimics
Summary of this excellent article Normal appendix blind...
受保護的內容: P-ABDOMEN for pediatric diseased abdomen
受保護的內容: Emergency Pericardiocentesis
Veiled right kidney sign (post ERCP)
Case report: The “veiled right kidney sign”...
US for PIV (Basilic vein)
Ultrasound guided peripheral venous access(handout)
受保護的內容: Ultrasound-Guided Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation
SKEM 2017: 5 US Tips
超音波讓你: 想看的,都看得到 Rotation Compression Gain Doppler Needl...
Bubble test for CVC confirmation
中央靜脈導管放置過程中,超音波有許多的角色 前 選擇適合的血管,檢視血管狀況,了解血管的相對位置和血管週遭的構...
Needle approach for elbow swelling
這個病人有肘部腫痛近一週, 線形探頭看到在肘部皮下組織的這一層有Hypo- to Anechoic colle...
受保護的內容: Suprapubic Bladder Aspiration
這個病人掃描後有左側水腎, 有無Hydronephrosis是POCUS設定的問題, 其實掃完雙側腎臟和膀胱後...