Conclusion: Peripheral nerve blockade is a safe and effective pain management strategy for patients with hip fracture and can be performed by credentialed clinicians outside of the operating room

Peripheral nerve block for hip fractures
官網連結,也有精采的影像解說 (來自大林慈濟周樹榮醫師和蔡斗元醫師提供的影像)

左二為周樹榮醫師; 左四為Teresa Liu; 右一為蔡斗元醫師

這篇來自JAMA insight的教育短文,
整理了針對hip fracture時可用來減緩疼痛的神經阻斷術,
1. Femoral nerve block: below joint capsule
(eg. ITC, femoral shaft fracture & knee injury)
Patellar fracture的止痛也可以用femoral nerve block來達成喔

2. Pericapsular nerve group block (PENG):
within joint capsule (eg. femoral neck fracture)