Critical Care UltraSound Enhanced Procedures (急救加護年會工作坊)(已額滿)
超音波已被視為21世紀的視診器,Visual stethoscopy or Echoscopy, 選擇適合的探...
超音波已被視為21世紀的視診器,Visual stethoscopy or Echoscopy, 選擇適合的探...
1. Echoscopy with any marketed ultrasound scanner, pock...
Lectures: Ultrasound physics, knobs & probes How to...
WFUMB 2017 Taipei
簡章 & 立即報名
安全的麻醉照護來自於精確的評估—超音波輔助術前評估工作坊 The More Precise Preoperat...
#SKEM2017 08:50~09:30 Registration & Facebook→Twitter教學...
Reasons for double ETT: One for airway protection One f...
What is it? Paediatric emergency and critical ultrasoun...
POCUS在急救時會被用來:找尋可治療的原因、輔助氣管插管的確認和評估預後等。 (急診超音波的新進展) 這篇小...
如果你對軀幹神經的超音波有興趣 (和我一樣), 如果你感興趣的神經在下列的清單中, 那你一定要向大師們學習。 ...
Ultrasound guided peripheral venous access (Handout) 曼谷...
Handout for US guided lumbar puncture 曼谷Advanced & ...
Lectures: Ultrasound physics, knobs & probes How to...
Advanced ultrasound guided emergency procedure workshop...
US applications in airway management handout
A Woman in Her 20s With Cardiopulmonary Failure http://...