Summary of ABDOMEN and how to place & move your tra...
Fever & Chills for 3 days
60-year-old lady had fever and chills for 3 days. She a...
HEART: mnemonic POCUS for Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
H for hypovolemia (PSLA for chamber & subcostal for...
Painful swelling and deformity of upper arm after a traffic accident
This lady suffered from painful swelling and deformity ...
Painful heel during playing badminton
This patient complained painful heel while landing afte...
AACES Abdominal Sonography (Handouts)
Click the picture for PDF handout Click the picture for...
受保護的內容: AACES USLS EFAST & Quizs (Handout)
急診重點式照護超音波的發展、推廣與建議 – 新光醫院經驗
POCUS experience from Shin Kong Memorial Hospital 【台北市醫...
AACES Ultrasound Life Support Course
Click the picture and visit AACES for detail informatio...
AACES Abdominal Ultrasound Course
Click the picture and visit AACES for detail informatio...
受保護的內容: WINFOCUS-Thailand Female Pelvic Emergency Handouts
受保護的內容: WINFOCUS-Thailand FAST Handouts
急診超音波的新進展 (年會會訊)
2016年中華民國醫用超音波學會的年會中, 由連琬菁主任所規劃的急診科講座: 【急診超音波的新進展】深得好評 ...
WINFOCUS-Thailand Instructor course & POCUS Conference
January 10-11 Instructor course for Ultrasound Enhanced...
CHEST: mnemonic POCUS for Acute dyspnea
C for consolidation (remember to scan back) H for hemot...
ABDOMEN: mnemonic POCUS for Acute abdomen
A for abdominal aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection B...