雙和急診超音波教學-Airway & Neck


Right tonsil

Left tonsil

Epiglottis (start from hyoid bone & scan caudally)

Hypoid bone & Epiglottis (longitudinal scan)

From cricoid cartilage (inverted U shape) – CTM to thyroid cartilage (inverted V shape)

Cricoid cartilage (inverted U shape)

Tracheal cartilage to cricoid cartilage to CTM

Trachea to cervical esophagus

Tracheal cartilage > Cricoid cartilage > CTM > Thyroid cartilage (longitudinal scan)

CTM: cricothyroid membrane (longitudinal scan)

Trachea > tracheal cartilage & thyroid gland with isthmus

Thyroid gland: from right lobe > isthmus > left lobe & cervical esophagus

Thyroid gland (right lobe) with Color Doppler

Parotid gland (between mandible bone & mastoid)

Submandibular gland : start from mandible bone then tilt

Submandibular gland : lymph nodes & vessel

Submandibular gland : lymph nodes & vessel (CD)

Sternocleidomastoid muscle