Alveolar abscess
This patient had facial cellulitis. Role of POCUS: find...
This patient had facial cellulitis. Role of POCUS: find...
Quad sign (static sign) 4 lines surrounding effusion pl...
Not only SEE the view and lesion, But also Think about ...
Sad for Jeremy Lin.
Enlarged anechoic mucinous thyroid lesion provides a go...
Case report: The “veiled right kidney sign”...
Ultrasound guided peripheral venous access(handout)
中央靜脈導管放置過程中,超音波有許多的角色 前 選擇適合的血管,檢視血管狀況,了解血管的相對位置和血管週遭的構...
這個病人有肘部腫痛近一週, 線形探頭看到在肘部皮下組織的這一層有Hypo- to Anechoic colle...
這個病人掃描後有左側水腎, 有無Hydronephrosis是POCUS設定的問題, 其實掃完雙側腎臟和膀胱後...
Probe location: subxyphoid & transverse scan Hypere...
Location of this lump: middle part of left upper arm no...
Acute epigastralgia for 2 days. Echo findings: Antral p...
Indication: Acute urine retention Findings: Distended b...
有在追蹤POCUSAcademy的人,對這個診斷一定不會太陌生。 Vision loss的病患,我幾乎都會用超...
Transverse scan using linear probe Use landmarks: Thyro...
Pupillary dilatation in dark room Pupillary constrictio...
X-ray: negative for fracture POCUS findings: Calcaneus...