An old lady complained abdominal fullness. No prior his...
An old lady complained abdominal fullness. No prior his...
DM patient with fever for 2 weeks. 1.Probe: Curvelinear...
Young adult with left hip pain and fever 1. Probe: Curv...
Fever and right flank knocking tendernessReferred from ...
1.Probe: Curvelinear2. Postion: Transverse scan on dist...
1.Probe: Curvelinear 2. Postion: Sagital scan at RLQ ov...
Probe: curvelinear Postion: oblique scan on right pelvi...
Probe: Curvelinear probe Postion: Subxyphoid sagittal s...
Probe: Curvelinear probe Position: Subcostal view Major...
Korean Startup Healcerion Makes the Best Medical Tech D...
Sigmoid colon filled with feces Asymmetric wall thicken...
21M, complained left chest pain for one hour
72F, presenting as right MCA infarct. 2015/10/10 on FB:...
On Facebook: 2009/10/10
Painless visual loss at lower part of right eye. …...
Old lady. RLQ pain for one week. No trauma. No fever. …...
Transverse scan on descending colon Multiple hyperechoi...
This patient complained severe epigastric pain and abdo...
Dilated CBD Hyperechoic stone with shadow at distal CBD...