UVJ stone

47M, left flank pain
POCUS: Left UVJ stone / Left hydronephrosis

POCUS的重點在於bilateral kidney & UB,如果有需要記得加上AAA的掃描,
Start from RK: no hydronephrosis
Shift to LK: mild hydronephrosis
Next to UB transverse scan: Left UVJ stone

KUB可見left UVJ stone

46F, left flank pain
POCUS: Left UVJ stone / Left hydronephrosis

RK: no hydronephrosis

LK: mild to moderate hydronephrosis

UB transverse veiw: left UVJ stone

UB sagital scan: left UVJ stone

Power doppler: left urinary jet (indicated incomplete obstruction of UVJ stone)

KUB: left UVJ stone

43F, right flank pain
POCUS: right moderate hydronephrosis & peri-renal fluid
trace dilated ureter to UVJ
No hydronephrosis on left side
Splenic tumor noted over lower pole of spleen

KUB: no obvious stone

CT: right hydronephrosis, splenic lesion, R UVJ stone

[Sonoanatomy] KuB — Kidney, ureter, Bladder

POCUS for UVJ stone

